All inclusive exhibition stand design- Mobile led display

We partner with emerging brands and Global Businesses to create innovative and meaningful experiences.

Backed by the same people with the same vision offering the same international service wherever you choose to exhibit around the globe. Protecting your brand by delivering the same finished article on an international scale.

Whether you’re looking to create a mobile led display within a Shell Scheme, a pop up shop or reception counter our Self Build Stands solution will meet your requirements. Developed to offer our clients a robust and easy to use platform to mobile led display your brand. In keeping with our ethos our team of in-house specialists work with you to deliver your first project from artwork to power consumption, we have this covered!

The modular mobile led display system is innovative, compact, easy to build and flexible modular mobile led display system. With no tools required or levers to push, no other system can compete on speed of build or dismantle. Self Build Stands has been designed to be adaptable into a wide variety of mobile led display environments. The real success behind the modular mobile led display system is its versatility, and the ability to be reconfigured to meet your specific requirements.