Category: News

Interactive LED Car Display Sign

An interactive LED car display sign is a versatile and eye-catching way to advertise or convey information while on the move. Here’s how it works and some potential features: LED Display: The sign consists of a large LED display panel mounted on the vehicle. LEDs are used for their brightness, energy efficiency, and ability to […]

Exhibition Truck for Marketing

An exhibition truck can be a powerful marketing tool, allowing you to showcase products or services directly to your target audience in various locations. Here are some key points to consider when using an exhibition truck for marketing: Design and Branding: The truck should be visually appealing and reflect your brand identity. Use eye-catching graphics, […]

Displaying on my LED screen bus

Displaying content on an LED screen bus can be a great way to attract attention and convey messages effectively. Here are some steps to display content on your LED screen bus: Prepare Your Content: Create or gather the content you want to display. This could include advertisements, announcements, videos, or any other visual content. Convert […]

Programmable LED screen vehicle

A programmable LED screen vehicle is a mobile advertising platform that features a large LED screen or screens that can display dynamic content, such as advertisements, videos, and graphics. These vehicles are commonly used for promotional activities, events, and mobile advertising campaigns. Here are some key features and benefits of programmable LED screen vehicles: High […]

HD expando mobile tv truck

An HD expando mobile TV truck is a type of mobile broadcasting vehicle designed for producing and broadcasting high-definition (HD) television content. The term “Expando” typically refers to the expandable section of the mobile TV truck that expands outward to create additional interior space, providing a more spacious production environment. These mobile TV trucks are […]

Concert setup mobile stage trucks

Concert setup mobile stage trucks are essential for creating dynamic and flexible stage setups for concerts and events. These trucks are equipped with a stage that can be easily deployed and set up at various locations, providing a professional and reliable platform for performers. They often include built-in sound systems, lighting rigs, and other technical […]

Request a booth visit from mobile exhibition trailer

To request a booth visit from a mobile exhibition trailer, you can follow these general steps: Find the Right Exhibition Trailer: Look for a mobile exhibition trailer that suits your needs and requirements. Consider factors such as size, design, and features. Contact the Trailer Owner or Operator: Reach out to the owner or operator of […]

Coming to the big screen trailer

A big screen trailer typically refers to a movie trailer that is shown on a large screen, such as in a movie theater. These big screen trailers are designed to give audiences a preview of upcoming films and generate excitement for their release. Big screen trailers often feature high-quality visuals and sound to create a […]

Professional Shipping Mobile LED Container

A professional shipping mobile LED container is a portable unit that houses and transports LED screens for outdoor advertising or events. These containers are designed to provide a convenient and secure way to transport, set up, and operate large LED displays. Here are some key features and benefits of a professional shipping mobile LED container: […]

Embracing the moving billboard concept

Embracing the moving billboard concept can offer numerous benefits for advertising and promotion. Mobile billboards can reach a wider audience compared to traditional static billboards, as they can move around and target specific locations or events. They are also more eye-catching and engaging, making them more effective in capturing people’s attention. Additionally, mobile billboards can […]